internet copyright
Copyright infringement happens when one party uses, sells, distributes, or recreates another person's work of authorship without the original owner's consent. Copyright infringement can happen in a variety of ways, through many mediums, including motion pictures, photographs, paintings, musical recordings, and literary works.

With the emergence of the internet, copyright infringement laws began to expand in an effort to adapt laws to meet the growth of technology. The internet is a tool that allows the easy retrieval of information instantaneously. This makes it easy for information to spread quickly, though much of this information can be copyrighted. To prevent this from happening, new intellectual property laws have been established to protect creative works that are being spread without consent quickly and easily over the internet.

Internet Copyright Infringement for Works on Websites

Websites are a great tool to help spread information and show off creative works to millions of people quickly and easily. Many people show off artwork, photography and writing on various websites and blogs. If a person owns his or her own website, the information that is placed on it is generally protected under current copyright laws.
Facts to Be Aware of Regarding Internet Copyright Infringement
copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, usually for a limited time. The exclusive rights are not absolute; they are limited by limitations and exceptions to copyright law, including fair use.